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PerfSonar Installation Notes.


I've installed using rpm the following services in a local machine:

  • SNMP Measurement Archive
  • perfSONAR-BUOY
  • Lookup Service
  • Status Measurement Archive
  • PingER Services
  • LS Registration Daemon
If all your services are registering with the local Lookup Service ( http://access.sprace.org.br:9995/perfSONAR_PS/services/hLS ), that information should all be going to the right place. You'll need to make sure that the "ls_instance" in the configuration files all point to your local lookup service. If it's specified there, you can check the logs for the lookup service ( /var/log/perfsonar/lookup_service.log ) to verify that your services are all registering there. The lookup service will register that information into the "lookup service cloud" (note: this may take a few hours from when you first setup your services). Once the cloud knows about them, you can find your services by going to http://www.perfsonar.net/activeServices/ . This includes links to verify the data on the services. You can also install perl-perfSONAR_PS-perfAdmin to get a local copy of the software above. To add your bwctl/owamp/ndt/npad tools to a community, you can edit the ls registration daemon configuration file ( /opt/perfsonar_ps/ls_registration_daemon/etc/ls_registration_daemon.conf ), and add "site_project PROJECT_NAME" lines. e.g.
site_project         Internet2
site_project         LHC
and restart the ls registration daemon when you're done. Remember to configure your iptables rules to allow several ports to be used by, for example, bwctl or owamp . More informations at http://www.internet2.edu/performance/pS-PS/

  • Lookup Service
rpm --import http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/RPM-GPG-KEY-Internet2
 wget http://software.internet2.edu/Internet2-repo-0.1-2.noarch.rpm
 rpm -ivh Internet2-repo-0.1-2.noarch.rpm
 cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
 vim dries.repo
name=Extra Fedora rpms dries - $releasever - $basearch
 rpm -Uhv http://apt.sw.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
 wget -c http://software.internet2.edu/Internet2-repo-0.1-2.noarch.rpm
 wget http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/i386/main/RPMS/perl-perfSONAR_PS-LookupService-3.1-8.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 yum localinstall perl-perfSONAR_PS-LookupService-3.1-8.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/lookup_service/etc/daemon.conf
 /etc/init.d/lookup_service start
 tail -f  /var/log/perfsonar/lookup_service.log
  • SNMPMA service
wget http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/i386/main/RPMS/perl-perfSONAR_PS-SNMPMA-3.1-9.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 yum localinstall perl-perfSONAR_PS-SNMPMA-3.1-9.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 yum install rrdtool-devel perl-rrdtool
 yum install libxml2-devel
 vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/snmp_ma/etc/daemon.conf
 /etc/init.d/snmp_ma start
 tail -f /var/log/perfsonar/snmp_ma.log
 perl bin/client.pl http://access.sprace.org.br:9995/perfSONAR_PS/services/hLS etc/requests/EchoRequest.xml
The way our SNMP MA is configured, it is reporting the interfaces in the store.xml ( /var/lib/perfsonar/snmp_ma/store.xml ) to our LS instance. The default store.xml file has an example interface in it (localhost/ , so when we lookup the data being exported, it shows that example interface. We needed to either specify a new set of interfaces in the store.xml file, similar to the one already in there, or we should need to configure the SNMP MA to make available an existing cacti, mrtg or cricket database.

In fact we had to install Cacti (http://access.sprace.org.br/cact/index.php) and configured a new device, sprace router with hostname , using "Host Template" Cisco-Router . Just a note : ultralight as "SNMP Community".

  • OWAMP, BWCTL and LS registration daemon
 yum install owamp-client.i386 owamp-server.i386
 yum install bwctl-client bwctl-server
 wget http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/i386/main/RPMS/perl-perfSONAR_PS-LSRegistrationDaemon-3.1-3.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 yum localinstall perl-perfSONAR_PS-LSRegistrationDaemon-3.1-3.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/ls_registration_daemon/
 vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/ls_registration_daemon/etc/ls_registration_daemon.conf
 /etc/init.d/ls_registration_daemon start
 yum install iperf
 wget http://www.lcp.nrl.navy.mil/nuttcp/stable/rpm/nuttcp-5.3.1-1.i386.rpm
 yum localinstall nuttcp-5.3.1-1.i386.rpm
 bwctld -c /etc/bwctld
 owampd -c /etc/owampd/
 /etc/init.d/ls_registration_daemon restart
 tail -f /var/log/perfsonar/ls_registration_daemon.log
wget http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/i386/main/RPMS/perl-perfSONAR_PS-Status-3.1-3.pSPS.noarch.rpm
yum localinstall perl-perfSONAR_PS-Status-3.1-3.pSPS.noarch.rpm
vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/status/etc/database.conf
vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/status/etc/service.conf
/etc/init.d/perfsonar-status-service start
  • PingER Service
yum install mod_perl-devel
wget http://software.internet2.edu/rpms/i386/main/RPMS/perl-perfSONAR_PS-PingER-server-3.1-8.pSPS.noarch.rpm
 perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Carp::Clan
install Class::Accessor
install Class::Fields
install DateTime
install DateTime::Format::Builder
install IO::Interface
install Readonly
install Statistics::Descriptive
install Text::CSV_XS
install aliased
Trying to install perfSONAR_PS::Datatypes::Message we got some problems. Using the source:
cd /root/.cpan/build/perfSONAR_PS-Services-PingER-0.09
make install
rpm  -i  perl-perfSONAR_PS-PingER-server-3.1-8.pSPS.noarch.rpm --force --nodeps
/etc/init.d/PingER configure
/etc/init.d/PingER start

  • PerfSonarBUOY services
yum install perl-perfSONAR_PS-perfSONARBUOY-client
yum install perl-perfSONAR_PS-perfSONARBUOY-server
yum install db4 db4-devel db4-utils
cd /opt/perfsonar_ps/perfsonarbuoy_ma/
vim /opt/perfsonar_ps/PingER/etc/daemon.conf
vim etc/owmesh.conf
bin/owdb.pl -c etc -i root
bin/bwdb.pl -c etc -i root
/etc/init.d/perfsonarbuoy_ma start
There are other scripts that manage the measurement and collection of data:
    • /etc/init.d/perfsonarbuoy_bw_master -- Script that performs BWCTL measurements
    • /etc/init.d/perfsonarbuoy_bw_collector -- Script to collect and store BWCTL measurements
    • /etc/init.d/perfsonarbuoy_owp_master -- Script that performs OWAMP measurements
    • /etc/init.d/perfsonarbuoy_owp_collector -- Script to collect and store OWAMP measurements
Not configured yet. Actually it needs two additional nodes, running onl bwctl and owamp to act as beacons . To be done.


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Coloca o que fez.
/etc/init.d/snmp_ma stop
/etc/init.d/PingER stop
/etc/init.d/perfsonar-status-service stop
/etc/init.d/lookup_service stop
bwctld -c /etc/bwctld
owampd -c /etc/owampd/
/etc/init.d/lookup_service start
/etc/init.d/PingER start
/etc/init.d/perfsonar-status-service start
/etc/init.d/snmp_ma start

Ciclano em dd/mm/aaaa

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-- MarcoAndreFerreiraDias - 02 Dec 2009

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