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Agenda 03/Fev/2010 pauta: 14:30 Update do Matheus e Caio do CERN: dvd23pq 92cjd7pngr 14:50 Update dos Alunos de Mestrado...
Agenda 27/Nov/2008 Table of Contents 1. Metodologia de grupo ~5 pessoas Pedro UED D0 ...
Agenda 18/Dez/2008 1) MC Workshop. Nos dias 15 e 16 vai ter o CMS MC Workshop: 45291. Vamos ver esse workshop...
Agenda 27/Mar/2009 Uma lista de sugest...
Agenda 03/Abr/2009 Atividades: Thiago: Update verbal sobre o trabalho no CMS Franciole: Apresenta...
Agenda 08/Maio/2009 Lista de sugest...
Agenda 15/Maio/2009 Lista de sugest...
Agenda 16/Sep/2009 Lista de sugest...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Development This is the Development Page. Here we have links to the developers internal pages. LaNuevaPagina AlpgenProduction...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Event Production 7 TeV Production for CMS: CMSSW 3 1 X series. This round of production will consist of: W 0 to 5 jets:...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Grid Production Introduction Large scale ALPGEN event production cannot be made in a single step a preliminary production has to...
Alpgen Production 2008 Modus operandi Alpgen ttbar N partons, N 0,1,2,3,4 ptjmin 30, 40, 50 GeV Library: 2Qwork Production of grid2 files...
Alpgen Production 2009 Continuation of AlpgenProduction2008, for the scale studies. Scale studies Started with W jets, iqopt 4 , based on Maurizio`s code...
ALPGEN Production in 31X Goals Test the Alpgen Prouduction Workflow in CMSSW 3 1 X Modus Operandi 1. Creation of ASCII LHE files outside the CMS framework...
Alpgen Production Summer 2009 Here we detail the CMSSW 3 1 X Summer 2009 Production, both at 7 and 10 TeV. The request: 1) QCD Jets (20 M events) (requester...
Alpgen Production Workflow Introduction This Twiki documents a sequence on how to make a large scale ALPGEN event production at SPRACE upon request. It assumes the...
Introduction The AlpgenInterface is undergoing a complete restructuring, according to the guidelines for GeneratorInterfaces. This page documents this restructuring...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Main Goals Make ALPGEN work out of the box for large scale production. Deliver whatever the production team needs in order...
Alpgen Time and Size Studies Goal To measure the time and size performance of ALPGEN runs (grid production, event production) in a typical CMS T2 farm, like SPRACE...
ALPGEN Guide Inside and Outside CMSSW ALPGEN Generator ALPGEN generator `A collection of codes for the generation of multi parton processes in hadronic collisions...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Validation Technical Validation Physics Validation ThiagoTomei 04 Jun 2009
ALPGEN 8TeV CMS Production Samples Generated L (fb 1) N . ME / (sigma (pb) . 1000) L luminosity N Number of events available ME Matching Efficiency sigma...
ALPGEN 8TeV CMS Production Grid Files The grid files, produced by Alex, are in his public home in afs: ~amott/public/ALPGEN/8TeV/grids/ And in my personal afs area...
ZZ nunuqq Analysis Run 2 (13 TeV) We are starting this analysis with JETS and Missing Energy (MET) in the final state ANALISIS NOTE : AN 15 220 Instructions to...
ALPGEN 8TeV CMS Production Grid Files The grid files, produced by Alex, are in his public home in afs: ~amott/public/ALPGEN/8TeV/grids/ And in my personal afs area...
XXXI Encontro Nacional de F...
Group: SpraceGroup My Links RandallSundrumAnalysis AlpgenTutorial AlpgenWorkLog2 RandallSundrumAnalysisEffort AlpgenWorkLog RandallSundrumAnalysisPacka...
Monte Carlo Validation Goal To write a package to do streamline Monte Carlo Validation. Action items: Things to check for top: W(qq) inv mass...
Alpgen Interface to CMSSW Introduction Alpgen is a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions. It produces matrix element (ME) level events which...
ProdAgent Installation To install it: mkdir prodagent export APT VER 0.5.15lorg3.2 cmp; export VO CMS SW DIR /home/mdias/prodagent/ export SCRAM ARCH slc4 ia32 gcc...
h1 {background color: #DDCBA4; padding: 10px} h3 {background color: #F7F2E5; padding: 10px} Summary of SPRACE Activities
Customise this topic; samples and ideas available at TWiki:TWiki.WebLeftBarCookbook. My links: My home page My activities Analysis Meetings...
W Jets Analysis This page is obsolete First, set up CMSSW 1 6 0 as described in CMSSWinSprace Download the tar.gz file that contains the relevant files...
Welcome to the SPRACE TWiki .greentable, .greentable TD, .greentable TH {background color: #00ff00} .bluetable, .bluetable TD, .bluetable TH {background color...
Number of topics: 36


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