The Guide for new employees.
First of all, welcome to our team! There are some things that you will need:
- Create an email at for sharing information with the work group. To receive your email ,talk with your work partners and request this account.
- To be easier to control your work data anywhere, in any computer, you will need to download a program called Dropbox. This is a system that will offer to you 2GB of free space to keep and share your archives. After downloaded, you should make a registration using the email that your work partners have made to you at This source has it’s own tutorial, very simple to read and well explained.
- After you’ve got this part, it could be usefull to read this article: /twiki/bin/view/Main/RegrasEmail . It will introduce to you some basic rules for using the NCC’s email.
- Now, you will need to became a member of sprace_all. You must request your co-workers to make it to you.
Here Some Tasks:
- Create a gmail and use it only for work.
- Keep google calendar Update. (auditorium reserve, meetings reserve and tasks)
- Solve any administrative troubles you are requested.
CassioCunha - 19 Aug 2011