São Paulo Participation in the LHC Experiments
and FAPESP Support on Horizon 2020 Projects
Activities of the Collaborations
* Representative:
Paolo Giubellino
Partner and Task Leader
São Paulo ALICE group, part of University of São Paulo (USP), State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and Federal University of ABC (UFABC), Brazil.
Scientific Activities
Data Analysis
- Strangeness production and hydrodynamical description of the QGP
- Direct participation in Analysis of ALICE experiment data, regarding the measurement of strange hadrons such as k0s, phi, Lambdas, Xi and Omegas.
- Specific analysis of strange hadrons such as the thermalization degree, hydrodynamical observables as v2 in order to study QGP characteristics.
- Participation in scientific paper proposal and preparation related to strange particle analysis.
- Heavy quark production
- Measurement of inclusive spectra of electrons from heavy flavor hadrons decay in various systems: pp, pPb and PbPb
- Measurement of spectra of electrons from B hadrons decay identified with different techniques and measured in various systems: pp, pPb and PbPb
- Analysis of correlations between electrons from heavy flavor hadrons decay and other particles in order to quantify the energy loss of these quarks in the QGP
- Analysis of jets from heavy quarks fragmentation and correlations between these jets and other particles in order to quantify the energy loss of these quarks in the QGP
- Participation in scientific paper proposal and preparation related to heavy flavor particles and Jet analysis.
- Photon production
- Direct isolated photon measurements: spectra in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb and nuclear modification factors, with emphasis to the lower energy sector of the spectra
- Two particle correlation in Pb-Pb events tagged with a high energy direct photon
Detector Upgrade
- Development of a new front-end ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH systems
- Leadership in the development, tests and production of a new front-end chip, called SAMPA, for the TPC and MCH detectors within the ALICE upgrade program. SAMPA is a innovative multi-signal (analogical and digital) ASIC in the high-energy community that has potential for several applications in different experiments.
- Studies and optimization of the GEM operation in the ALICE TPC detector
- Direct participation in the studies towards the optimization of the new signal amplification system of the TPC within the ALICE upgrade program. The purpose of this study is to understand and minimize the time taken by the detector to enter in the stable operation mode. This is crucial to optimize the data taken procedure in the experiment.
- Development of new systems and applications of Multi-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD)
- Studies of possible configurations and operation of Thick-GEMs for different applications
- Development of MPGD systems for thermal neutron detection and X-ray imagery
Software and Computing
- Operation of the Tier 2 at USP
- Full operation of the Tier 2 site at USP. This site is responsible for almost 70% of all data processed in Latin Americana and there are plans to increase our support to other LHC experiments
- Development of tools for distributed computing operation
- Development of several tools that will allow the application of the knowledge on distribute computing acquired during the Tier 2 site implementation and operation in other tasks.
Complementarities/Synergies Between Partners
Partnership in Data Analysis
- Data analysis is developed within Physics analysis Groups in the ALICE collaboration, with several partners, hence, all the work tasks related to data analysis will require synergy and intense cooperation between the members of our group with other members of the collaboration. This is in particular very important and beneficial for the development and growth of our students.
- Special increase of activities between the ALICE members of the SP group is also expected, between researchers and students of USP, UNICAMP and UFABC. Also, it is expected that some collaborative work can be developed between the Brazilian ALICE group and the CMS group. Workshops and seminars between the groups will be beneficial for further increase of scientific production and student development.
- Participation in Collaboration meetings for administrative discussions as well as physics analysis discussions. Direct participation in analysis discussions to exchange ideas and results with other members of the ALICE collaboration. Also participation in several collaboration related administrative meetings such as the Collaboration Board meeting, Editorial Board Meeting and Physics Board Meetings.
Partnership in Instrumentation
- Several institutes participate in the SAMPA chip project
- University of Bergen, Norway
- University of Oslo, Norway
- IPNO, Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, Université de Paris-Sud, IN2P3/CNRS, France
- SPhN, Service de Physique Nucléaire , CEA-IRFU Saclay, France
Partnership in Computing and Networking
- Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Risks and Mitigation Plan
- The SAMPA chip is a complex project but all the risks and actions are foreseen in the Technical Design Report of the project
Staff Exchanged Contribution and Career Development
- Computing Experts from USP perform regular trips to CERN in order to exchange experiences regarding the GRID operations
- Electrical Engineers from USP perform regular trips to Europe in order to discuss the SAMPA project representing a very important mechanism to acquire new knowledge
Corresponding Work Package
WP: Data Analysis
- Milestones
- Data acquisition and processing
- Monte Carlo Simulation of the theoretical models
- Analysis of the produced data
- Output and Outcomes
- Internal Collaboration Analysis Notes
- Conference presentations
- Publications in refereed journals
- Dissertations and Thesis
WP: Detector Upgrade
- Milestones
- Second prototype of the SAMPA chip
- Third prototype of the SAMPA chip
- Final version and production of the SAMPA chip
- Mass production tests
- Output and Outcomes
- Delivery of all necessary chips for the upgraded ALICE operation
- Final procedure for the GEMs operation during data taken 8 New MPGD systems for thermal neutron and X-ray imagery
WP: Software and Computing
- Milestones
- Increase in the computing power and performance of data processing and analysis.
- Output and Outcomes
- Fulfillment of São Paulo group fair share in the ALICE data processing
Training Activity
- International MasterClass: Hands on Particle Physics (annual)
- Workshops on GRID and Computing
Dissemination Activities
- Participation in the annual MasterClass activities
- Engagement of public high school teachers in the MasterClasses activities to be performed at the public schools
- Presentation of scientific results performed in several levels and media.
- In the scientific community, results are presented in conferences and invited talks.
- In the University environment, results are presented in local seminars and colloquium and University events.
- For the general public, results are presented in media such as news papers, interviews and invited talks.
Scientific Exploitation Route
- Since the new SAMPA chip is a multi-purpose front-end device it can be used in several experiments opening new opportunities for scientific discovery.
- The new MPGD systems being studied by the group can have several scientific applications in different areas of science as neutrons beams form nuclear reactors, Archeology and Art History
Industrial Exploitation Linked Activity
- Several applications of the GEM system can be developed and adapted to Industrial standards.
- The development of new MPGD systems will certainly involve industrial patterns for the fabrication of all the necessary parts
IPR Management
- This will be handled by the University Innovation Agency
Partner and Task Leader
- ATLAS group at Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
- Marco Leite
Scientific Activities
Data Analysis
- Precision measurements of vector boson production associated with heavy flavor quarks in proton-proton collisions
Detector Upgrade
- Performance studies and development of new methods for event selection systems exploring the high granularity of ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter for mitigation of pileup effects
Software and Computing
- Development of analysis framework software
- Development of data quality tools for detector operation
Complementarities/Synergies Between Partners
- Collaborating in the development of new analysis methods, by providing new data interpretation and signal processing techniques
- Participate in the exchange of visits, collaborating in activities that can be performed at our home institution
- The LHC experiments are expected to evolve and take data until the next decade (at least). The present and future partnerships provided by this project can continue by specific agreements between partners and their home country funding agencies.
- In Physics, by exploring precision measurements in new kinematic regimes now accessible by the LHC operating conditions; in Instrumentation, by the requirements of developing high speed and high density signal processing and acquisition electronics and methods for event selection
Risks and Mitigation Plan
- We do not foresee important risks in this activity
Staff Exchanged Contribution and Career Development
- The staff will contribute to new analysis methods, data interpretation and signal processing techniques
- The early stage researcher will have the opportunity to develop his scientific skills, enabling him to propose/start new research lines in his home country
Corresponding Work Package
WP: Data Analysis
- Milestones
- Analysis of proton-proton collision data
- Comparison between data/theory using state of the art predictions
- Provide cross section measurements and background estimation methods for new physics searches
- Outputs and Outcomes
- Conference notes
- Analysis Support Notes
- Publications in refereed Journals
- Dissertations and Thesis
WP: Detector Upgrade
- Milestones
- Analysis of prototype data during physics and calibration runs
- Development of signal and data processing methods
- Commissioning of new electronics
- Outputs and outcomes
- Improved electron/jet discrimination from the calorimeter L1 trigger
- Pileup mitigation on high and very high luminosity operation
WP: Software and computing
- Milestone
- Development of frameworks for data analysis and processing
- Development of data quality tools for ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter
- Outputs and outcomes
- Integration of new systems and techniques in the analysis flow
- Assure the high quality of the data delivered to analyzers
Training Activity
- Workshops on ATLAS standard model measurements to bring together the interested parties from ATLAS community.
- Courses (theory and laboratory) on radiation detection methods for undergraduate students
Dissemination Activities
- Besides the publication in refereed journals, there will be activities for the non-specialized public : virtual visits to ATLAS, seminars for middle schools and translation of ATLAS outreach material to Portuguese.
Scientific Exploitation Route
- Precision measurements of vector bosons production at LHC provides an understanding of the parton dynamics at the LHC energy scale. The high cross section and relatively clean signatures also can be used as a benchmark of detector performance, and will be crucial in the validation of new methods, detectors and associated electronics for the LHC high luminosity operation phase.
Industrial Exploitation Linked Activity
- Participation in the development and tests of electronics systems for ATLAS calorimeters will require the characterization of ionizing radiation effects in electronics, developing technics and methods that are of interest for the aerospace industry.
IPR Management
- This will be handled by the University Innovation Agency
Partner and Task Leader
- São Paulo Research and Analysis Center (SPRACE) - Sérgio Novaes
- SPRACE is a consortium involving Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) and Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC).
Scientific Activities
Data Analysis
- Physics Beyond the Standard Model
- Search for new resonances in the VV, VH and HH channels
- Search for Dark Matter in Mono-X events
- Heavy-Ion Physics
- Bose-Einstein correlations of charged particles
- Aspects of Forward and Small-x QCD Physics and Central Exclusive Production
Detector Upgrade
- Development of the Level 1 Trigger for the Tracking Detector using Associative Memory
- Development of the Data Source System (DSS) and Emulation of the front-end electronics.
Software and Computing
- Operation of the BR-SP-SPRACE Tier 2 of the WLCG
- Development of a library for the Software-Defined Network (SDN) controller OpenDaylight (Lithium).
- Software development for CT-PPS
- Simulation of the performance of Beam Halo Monitor/BRIL
Complementarities/Synergies Between Partners
Partnership in Data Analysis
- University of Southampton: Alternative models for Dark Matter candidates
- University of Edinburgh: Combination of Exotic Searches in Diboson Final States at the LHC
- Texas Tech University: Monojet events as a signal for Dark Matter
- Imperial College of London: Dark Matter search at LHC (submitted)
Partnership in Instrumentation
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
- Development of the Level 1 for the Tracking Detector
Partnership in Computing and Networking
- California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
- Participation in the SuperComputing demonstration
- Caltech and CERN
- Deployment of a SDN testbed
Risks and Mitigation Plan
We do not envisage any particular risk in our activities
Staff Exchanged Contribution and Career Development
From EU to LA
- Training activity
- CMS Data Analysis School in South America (2017 and 2019)
From ICTP Trieste to SPRACE
- Joint training activities:
- School and Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Scientific Computing (2015)
- CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School (2017)
Corresponding Work Package
WP: Data Analysis
- Milestones
- Data acquisition and processing
- Monte Carlo Simulation of the theoretical models
- Analysis of the produced data
- Outputs & Outcomes
- Analysis Notes
- Physics Analysis Summary
- Journal Publication
- Dissertations and Thesis
WP: CMS Upgrade
- Milestones
- R&D on state-of-the art technologies for the L1 trigger
- Development of a prototype
- Implementation of a complete test
- Production of the electronics
- Installation of the trigger
- Outputs & Outcomes
- Possible spinoff from the R&D
- Improved tracker detector
- Better resolution on the trajectory identification
WP: Software and Computing.
- Milestones
- Implementation of new computing infrastructure and their upgrades
- Operation and Maintenance of the computer cluster
- Improvement of the software performance to better use the new manycore architecture
- R&D on new network protocols and controllers
- Outputs & Outcomes
- Increase in the HPC and HTC computer power
- Better use of computer infrastructure
- Increase the data transmission rate
WP: Workshops and Schools.
- Milestones
- Invite speakers and make a worldwide announcement of the activities
- Allocate the appropriate funding
- Provide the adequate venue for the event
- Outputs & Outcomes
- Recruit new students for the HEP research
- Improve the education of the new generations
- Bring up new experts in the area
Training Activity
- Organisation of the "SPRACE Spring School on Particle Physics - S3P2" (annual)
- "International MasterClass: Hands on Particle Physics" (annual)
- CMS Data Analysis School in South America (2017 and 2019)
- CODATA-RDA Research Data Science Summer School (2017)
Dissemination Activities
- Participation in the annual International MasterClass activities
- Development of education tools
- Distribution of the Elementary Particle Chart to all Brazilian High Schools
- Development of the SPRACE Game
- Translation of e-Book "The Particle"
Scientific Exploitation Route
- Strong interaction with the Private Sector to support project of academic and socio-economical impact
- The industry supports the HR and tools (hardware/software) and the academic side is responsible for the recruitment and management of the proposal
- The developed solution can be adopted be adopted by the industry following the university IPR rules
- The experts recruited can be absorbed either by the academia or by the industry
- Improvement of HEP software making use of the new manycore/multicore architecture
- The adoption of modernised codes can promote the new chip solutions
- R&D on better solutions on the global data transfer for a worldwide grid infrastructure
- New protocols and controllers can be embedded in the future hardware
Industrial Exploitation Linked Activity
- Intel Corporation
- Paralellization and Vectorisation of HEP Software: GeantV
- Code modernisation for multicore platforms
- Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
- R&D on Software-Defined Networking over WAN for Data-Intensive Science
IPR Management
- All possible IPR's agreements involving university, laboratories and companies is responsibility of the University Innovation Agency that is also responsible for the NDA's.
Medical Physics
FAPESP Call for Proposals
1. Proposal preparation and submission
- H2020 proposals will be received at any time
- The proposal will be accepted for review only if it makes clear that the co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) in São Paulo had a relevant participation in the design of the complete research project submitted to H2020; i.e. being a leader of work packages and/or tasks, or whose participation is fundamental for carrying out specific activities described in the H2020 Proposal.
- The proposal submitted to H2020 must make clear that there is a co-PI from São Paulo who will lead a relevant part of the research effort.
- The proposal submitted to FAPESP must:
- Clearly mention in the title as well as in the page and introductory section that it is part of a proposal submitted to H2020.
- Name the title of the linked proposal submitted to H2020, details of the EU Project Coordinator/Manager (Name of the Coordinating institution and Name of the Project Manager, as indicated in the proposal, key staff section), his/her's Institution's Participant Identification Code - PIC Number, Call reference (Programme/Topic and number of the call), acronym and title of the Project.
- Include a short section (maximum two pages) demonstrating why the participation of the PI from the State of São Paulo is relevant for the H2020 research project and how this collaboration will contribute to the scientific and technological development of the State of São Paulo.
- It is very important that FAPESP’s reviewers and panel members clearly understand how the collaboration of the co-PI in São Paulo is scientifically relevant, integrated to the EU proposal, and determinant to the success of the whole proposal. It is also essential to clearly demonstrate that the co-PI in São Paulo participated actively in the conception, and in the preparation of the proposal.
- Include as an Appendix a full copy of the proposal submitted to H2020 in the EU, including Part A (Details on Project Partners and on the Overall Project Budget) and Technical Annex Part B (description of the Project).
- The requested budget must be compatible with the norms of the chosen FAPESP funding line. There is no obligation of 50% / 50% FAPESP-EC funding or any other percentage.
2. Proposal evaluation
- Neither FAPESP nor EU shall disclose or publish the confidential information of the other Party
- The proposal will be funded by FAPESP only if it is also approved by H2020.
3. Applicants in the State of São Paulo must submit to FAPESP through a customized path of the SAGe system ( please, see Annex 1 below, in Portuguese).
- Additional information can be obtained by sending a consultation to:
- Nova Proposta Inicial;
- “Incluir Proposta – Selecionar Linha de Fomento”, selecionar o link Outras linhas de fomento;
- Ao expandir a opção Acordos de Cooperação:
- EU/Horizon 2020 > Projeto de Pesquisa - Regular;
- É necessário que o Pesquisador Responsável do lado europeu seja cadastrado no sistema SAGe;
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