2010 SPRACE Workshop: Physics Analysis
I SPRACE Physics Analysis Workshop will be held at the Núcleo de Computação Científica (Unesp) from 16 to 19 November 2010. The workshop is aimed at Ph.D. students and Posdocs working in High Energy Physics, with special emphasis on the LHC experiments. There will be a set of lectures covering several aspects of physics analysis, from the understanding of detectors to the physics simulation.
A first draft of the program is seen below:
- Lecture 1 - Statistical Methods of data treatment, by Imad Laktineh from Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL) - 4 Lectures (WorkshopL1)
- Lecture 2 - Root, by Alexandre Suaide (USP) - 2 lectures (WorkshopL2)
- Lecture 3 - Geant, by Marcia Begalli (UERJ) and Mauricio Moralles (IPEN) - 3 lectures (WorkshopL3)
- Lecture 4 - Monte Carlo Technique, Oscar Éboli (USP) - 1 lecture (WorkshopL4)
- Lecture 5 - Monte Carlo Generators, Flavia Dias (IFT) - 1 lecture (WorkshopL5)
- Lecture 6 - Detectors, Pietro Chimenti (UFABC) - 2 lectures (WorkshopL6)
- Lecture 7 - Extra Dimensions, Gustavo Burdman (USP) - 2 lectures (WorkshopL7)
- Tutorial 1 - Comphep tutorial, Caio Langaná e Cesar Bernardes
- Seminar: " Development of new generation of calorimeters for the future linear colliders" - Imad Laktineh for the CALICE group (WorkshopS1)
- Colóquio do IFT : "Primeiros resultados dos experimentos do LHC/CERN" - Gilvan Alves (CBPF)
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
(16/11) |
(17/11) |
(18/11) |
(19/11) |
09:00-10:30 |
L1 (1/4) |
L1 (2/4) |
L1 (3/4) |
L1 (4/4) |
10:30-12:00 |
L3 (1/3) |
L4 (1/1) |
L5 (1/1) |
L2 (2/2) |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14:00-16:00 |
L3 Hands on (2/3) |
Coloquio |
L2 (1/2) (Hands on) |
L7 (2/2) |
16:00-17:30 |
L6 (1/2) |
L6 (2/2) |
L7 (1/2) |
17:30-19:30 |
- |
L3 Hands on(3/3) |
T1 Hands on(1/1) |
- |
- Nucleo de Computacao Cientifica / SPRACE
- Rua Dr. Bento Teobaldo Ferraz 271
- Bldg. II - Ground Floor
- Sao Paulo, SP
- Brazil
View SPRACE in a larger map
We recommend the following hotel.
Check below how to go to the subway from the hotel.
Registration and Contact
To register in this Workshop, please send a message to Matheus Lobo (
Alexandre Alves (UNIFESP)
Angelo Santos (IFT/UNESP)
Caio Lagana (IFT/UNESP)
Cesar Bernardes (UFABC)
Clarissa Baesso (UFRJ)
Daniel Alva (UFABC)
Daniel Evangelho Vieira (UFRJ)
Eduardo Gregores (UFABC)
Eduardo R. De Lascio (USP)
Elisa Gouvea Mauricio Ferreira (IFUSP)
Evandro Segundo (USP)
Flavia Dias (IFT/UNESP)
Franciole Marinho (IFT/UNESP)
Gabriel Chicca Santucci (IFUSP)
Gustavo do Amaral Valdiviesso (UNIFAL-MG)
Isaac Stevão Sena (USP)
Leonardo de Lima (USP)
Marco Dias (UFRN)
Nayara Fonseca de Sá (USP)
Oscar Augusto de Aguiar Francisco (UFRJ)
Patricia Rebello Teles (UFABC)
Pedro Mercadante (UFABC)
Rafael Marcelino (IFUSP)
Roberto Rodrigues Moreira (UFABC)
Sandra Padula (UNESP/IFT)
Thamys Abrahão (CBPF)
Tiago dos Anjos (UFABC)
Thiago Tomei (IFT/UNESP)
SergioNovaes - 01 Sep 2010
Topic revision: r32 - 2015-04-19
- novaes