Instructions for the Annual Report to FAPESP
FAPESP Instructions for the report's outline:
The FAPESP instructions are provided
- Executive Summary (up to 2 pages).
- This is basically the abstract of the original project
- Achievements During the Last Year - Include References (up to 20 pages).
- Each physics analysis from CMS must provide 2 pages containing text plus figures
- Each theoretical papers must also provide a couple of pages
- Institutional Support (up to 2 pages).
- Bureaucratic manifestation
- Future Plans (up to 2 pages).
- Prepare 1 or 2 paragraphs stating what are the next steps of your research
- Investment of the Technical Reserve and Complementary Benefits (up to 3 pages).
- If you have used your Complementary Benefits describe the use of those resources
- Thesis and Dissertations
- Provide the title, abstract and report of the committee approving the result
- The Technical Training (TT) and Scientific Initiation (IC) fellows, granted by the project, must provide a 2 pages report to be included in the Appendix
- The Direct Ph.D. (DD) and Postdoctoral (PD) fellowships, granted by the project, must include a report of their activities. The report of around 4-5 pages must include:
- Summary of the Research Plan
- Report of the Activities During Last Year
- Service Work for the Collaboration
- Plans for Next Year
- References
- Note the specific rules for the Postdoc report at item 4.
- The template for the Postdoc Report can be found here
- All participants of the project should provide:
- List of published papers
- List of conferences attended
- List of Thesis and Dissertation
- List of Analysis Notes
General Instructions on the Format of the Report
- The text must be in English
- Use LaTeX format.
- References must be provided in BibiTeX format
- For examples of BibTeX entrances please see: BibtexInstructions.bib
- Use the InSpire notation for bibitex entry to be added on the report file.
For instance, the Higgs discovery paper:
author = "Chatrchyan, Serguei and others",
title = "{Observation of a new boson at a mass of 125 GeV with the
CMS experiment at the LHC}",
collaboration = "CMS",
journal = "Phys. Lett.",
volume = "B716",
year = "2013",
pages = "30-61",
doi = "10.1016/j.physletb.2012.08.021",
eprint = "1207.7235",
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
primaryClass = "hep-ex",
reportNumber = "CMS-HIG-12-028, CERN-PH-EP-2012-220",
SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1207.7235;%%"
Must be quoted as
- Itemization
- Always use \begin{compact_itemize} and \end{compact_itemize}
- Figures
- Name the files (.png, .jpg, pdf, etc.) with your initials plus a number. Examples
- PM_02. : refers to the second figure that Pedro Mercadante is including
- Follow the same procedure for the tag of the Caption. Example:
- Always scale by the \textwidth
\caption{This is the caption of this figure.}
novaes - 2015-11-08
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-11-18
- novaes