JoseRuiz - 25 Jul 2012
Z'→ W+W-→l+l-MET
Monte Carlo study
- MC samples used in the analysis:
We select events with one electron and one muon, oppositely charged, requiring
- process.selectedPatMuons.cut = 'pt>20. & abs(eta)<2.4 & isPFMuon & (isGlobalMuon|isTrackerMuon) & dB<0.02 & (caloIso+trackIso)/pt<0.15'
- process.selectedPatElectrons.cut = 'pt>20. & abs(eta)<2.5 & hadronicOverEm<0.05 & (caloIso+trackIso)/pt<0.15'
The events passing the selection requirements are used to construct a
transverse mass.
- Transverse mass distribution for signal and background:
- Significance of the signal (Z' 0.5 TeV) as a function of the invariant transverse mass:
- Significance of the signal (Z' 1.0 TeV) as a function of the invariant transverse mass:
- Significance of the signal (Z' 1.5 TeV) as a function of the invariant transverse mass:
- Significance of the signal (Z' 2.0 TeV) as a function of the invariant transverse mass:
- Event yield after (right) and before (left) applying the cut in the invariant transverse mass:
- Event yield after (right) and before (left) applying the cut in the invariant transverse mass:
- Event yield after (right) and before (left) applying the cut in the invariant transverse mass:
- Event yield after (right) and before (left) applying the cut in the invariant transverse mass:
- Expected 95% CL upper limit on the cross section:
- Expected 95% CL upper limit on the cross section assuming 10% of error on the number of generated events:
- Expected 95% CL upper limit on the cross section assuming 20% of error on the number of generated events:
- Efficiency (basic selection X efficiency of the M-T cut) as a function of the Z' mass for signal:
- Efficiency (basic selection X efficiency of the M-T cut) as a function of the Z' mass:
Other channels
For the Z'→ W
±jjMET channel see