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Results from Main web retrieved at 04:27 (GMT)

Agenda 27/Nov/2008 Table of Contents 1. Metodologia de grupo ~5 pessoas Pedro UED D0 ...
Agenda 17/Fev/2009 Table of Contents 1. ...
Agenda 24/Jul/2009 Table of Contents 1. ...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Introduction Alpgen is a collection of codes (executables) for calculation of hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions. It...
ALPGEN MC Generation at SPRACE Main Goals Make ALPGEN work out of the box for large scale production. Deliver whatever the production team needs in order...
ALPGEN Guide Inside and Outside CMSSW ALPGEN Generator ALPGEN generator `A collection of codes for the generation of multi parton processes in hadronic collisions...
Analysis Open Space Introdu...
Analysis Tools Table of Contents CAF Common Samples SAM Root CAF CAF (Common Analysis Format) is a ROOT based format of all trigger and reconstructed...
ZZ nunuqq Analysis Run 2 (13 TeV) We are starting this analysis with JETS and Missing Energy (MET) in the final state ANALISIS NOTE : AN 15 220 Instructions to...
Multidimensional HBT analysis for pp @ 2.76TeV This page describes the extraction of the signal of Bose Einstein correlations of charged pion candidates i;e enhancement...
Useful info Daily Report Important Files/Folders that I don`t remember the date The important files/folders inside MG are: Background: all the withelecmuon...
ENFPC 2019 Informa...
Monte Carlo Production Fast Simulation on CMSSW 10 2 15 Preparation $ ssh $ cmsrel CMSSW 10 2 15 $ cd CMSSW 10 2 15/src $ cmsenv $ mkdir p Configuration...
Eduardo Gregores Twiki Page Atividades no CMS Analysis Notes Papers do CMS em processo de revis...
Bookmarks of EduardoGregores Link: Web.Topic or URL Link Label EduardoCmsMonteCarlo Eduardo Cms Monte...
Estudantes de Inicia...
2010 SPRACE Workshop: Physics Analysis Introduction The I SPRACE Physics Analysis Workshop will be held at the N...
Monte Carlo Validation Goal To write a package to do streamline Monte Carlo Validation. Action items: Things to check for top: W(qq) inv mass...
NeXus NeXus is a Monte Carlo procedure #8211; based on parton based Gribov Regge theory #8211; to simulate different types of high energy interactions: Electron...
Alpgen Interface to CMSSW Introduction Alpgen is a generator for hard multiparton processes in hadronic collisions. It produces matrix element (ME) level events which...
Open Positions We do not hire skilled people and motivate them. We hire already motivated people and inspire them. (after Simon Sinek) Machine...
Obsolete and Outdated TWiki Pages GridUnesp GirdUnesp SPRACE Operations Log Book Hardware Infrastructure Racks Hardware Configuration...
Subject: Update on UED From: pedro mercadante Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:02:41 0300 To: Greg Landsberg , ``Sergio M. Lietti`` , `Sergio F. Novaes` , ``Eduardo...
Projeto de Pesquisa 08 a ser inclu...
h1 {background color: #DDCBA4; padding: 10px} h3 {background color: #F7F2E5; padding: 10px} Summary of SPRACE Activities
ThermInAtor ThermInAtor is is a Monte Carlo event generator designed for studies of particle production in relativistic heavy ion collisions performed at such experimental...
Welcome to the SPRACE TWiki .greentable, .greentable TD, .greentable TH {background color: #00ff00} .bluetable, .bluetable TD, .bluetable TH {background color...
Agenda Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ^ (16/11) (17/11) (18/11) (19/11) 09:00 10:30 L...
JoseRuiz 25 Jul 2012 Z` #8594; W W #8594;l l MET Monte Carlo study MC samples used in the analysis: We select events with one electron and one muon...
Number of topics: 32


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